PGE – Health Education

At RGS as part of your child’s education, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health, Relationships and Sex Education programme. PGE is the curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

In line with the IOM government framework, that is followed across all island schools, your child will take part in lessons on a range of subjects in the form of a spiral curriculum so as they move through the years in the school, topics will be built on at age-appropriate times.

The sessions will be delivered by members of staff as well as other agencies (for example the police, school nurses and the youth team).

Throughout the year there are also drop-down health days that use external agency expertise to educate the students in these very important and relevant topics.

Below you can find a list of topics that are covered in each year group.

Year 7 – My body and changes, puberty, body confidence, intimate relationships, consent, staying safe online, sending/sharing images online, pornography, emotional wellbeing, smoking, drugs, alcohol.

Year 8 – Healthy relationships, contraception, pregnancy, sexual health, child development, being a parent/carer, equality, first aid, smoking, drugs and alcohol.

Year 9 – Romantic relationship, living together, marriage, civil partnerships, sexual harassment, menstruation, abortion, equalities, social media, having a child, being a parent/carer, consent, sexual health.

Year 10 – Relationships, healthy/unhealthy, consent, sexual health, intimate relationships, contraception, gender equality, equality and the law, first aid.

Year 11 – Going out and keeping safe, online dating, relationships, sex, drugs and alcohol, getting to know your body, self-examination, testicle/breast cancers, parenthood, fertility and reproduction, sexual activity,

6th form – Relationships, consent, safety if going away/university.

Our drop-down days include:

Y7 – Manging Change – Topics include: Transition, Anti-Social Behaviour and Consequences, Drugs & Peer Pressure, Online Safety, Sexual Health, Diversity (LGBT)

Y8 – You Matter – Topics include: Who am I, where am I going, saying no/consent, why am I important, truth when it comes to health/keeping yourself safe, staying safe.

Y9 – Wellbeing – Topics include: Diversity (LGBT), Body Image, The Online World (SSNAP Cards), Consequences of Behaviour, Risk Taking (RSE, alcohol).

Y9 – Health fair – Topics include: Gambling, consent, relaxation, healthy eating, anti-social behaviour, class A drugs, sexual health.

Y10 – Drugs, consequences, sexual health, First Aid, RPU – Passenger Safety

If you would like to find out more or discuss any of the topics covered, please contact
Should you wish to withdraw your child from any of the topics covered please contact

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